At Academian, we recognize the importance of using innovative approaches to instructional design to provide training that promotes relevant learning and skill growth. Using innovative learning experience design techniques and pedagogical approaches, we help in developing customized eLearning solutions that captivate your learners. Our team works closely with you to design experiential learning across all formats and modalities that match your organizational goals and performance.
We provide experiential learning experiences using eLearning, AR/VR/XR, simulations, video, on-demand learning, micro-learning, project-based learning and virtual classroom technologies to improve learning outcomes. Our innovative approach to education fosters critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and real-world application of knowledge.
A defined and systematic design of instructional properties (i.e., teaching and training) to assist learners in acquiring knowledge or skills. The 4 types of instructional methods are: lecture, demonstration, cooperative & collaborative learning and case study methods.
A typical instructional design process consists of the following steps:
Academic theories and models provide a framework for instructional designers to create effective and engaging learning experiences. A few instructional design models in this regard are ADDIE, SAM, Bloom’s Taxonomy and Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction.
As workplace learning transitions from knowledge acquisition to practical application and performance, the demand for personalized learning that aligns with organizational priorities exceeds available resources and expertise. Although certain organizations possess employees capable of designing and developing fundamental eLearning or instructor-led training, they may necessitate supplementary assistance in instructional and course content design to create innovative course content and learning experience design across all digital and in-person methodologies.
Our learning instructional design consulting team will listen to your requirements. They’ll understand how to help you reach your education and training objectives through pedagogical approaches and instructional strategies targeted to your needs. Our experts will collaborate closely with you to create a tailored learning solution that suits your organization’s needs.
Gagné's Nine Events of Instruction (1965) - These principles were invented well before eLearning had ever been born, but they have been widely implemented and have scientific backing. The nine principles are:
As a guiding set of principles this distills down how to design learning effectively in whatever instructional format.